Monday, January 10, 2022

David McKenzie

Thank you all for your condolences after David’s passing. Our family is very grateful for your support during this time. 

David would have wanted all us all to gather and celebrate, so that’s what we will do. Join us on March 12 at X:00 pm for David’s Celebration of Life at the Sutherlin Community Center. Wear your best Hawaiian shirt and prepare for a Hawaiian Luau. 💕

David’s Facebook account will be memorialized so pease continue to share happy memories of David with us. 

Much love from the McKenzie Clan

Friday, August 20, 2021

I’m Dieing of Cancer

My name is David McKenzie. I need help. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer with multiple Tumors in my Brain. I am not using any drugs at all and yes, I’m in pain. I choose to let Mother Nature and God let me heal. My only mistake before going on a natural cleaning process was allowing them to do a biopsy on my Lung, which caused pain. I feel like I may be getting better. But I may be more comfortable with the thought of being comfortable. But what I’m trying to do is get help from all angles, even from God. In our society we have to have money. I haven’t been able to work for over 4 months. I’m asking anybody or everybody to help. For me and my wife. Mostly to keep my home. I don’t have enough money to pay off the trust deed, in full. I probably owe, with interest, about $70,000.. If I could get some financial help to save the property. My wife won’t be homeless when I die…. She’ll be able to keep the property and our home! If anybody cares? I hope someone besides God cares?! I have to say this, I asked God for a wife, children and grandchildren and to be wealthy. What I forgot to ask or specify was financially wealthy, not just wealthy in love. I’m wealthier than most with my wife of 37 years, 5 kids and 6 grandkids,  thanks to God, with love. Now I need to have my wife taken care of. Please, help me, help my wife! 
David S. McKenzie
You can reach my wife at:
P. O. Box 1449
Sutherlin, Oregon 
Facebook: Rose McKenzie

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reclaiming wood for a natural lifestyle

I started building a Chicken Wagon so I could raise a few chickens and a couple of ducks. I gathered all the wood laying in discrete areas of the yard and hidden under things to use on this Pen/hutch. I gathered up an old wheel chair, childs wagon, grand pa's old wood hauler side boards an old small book cabinet thing used for holding tools in yard, and even the picnic table that was not being used. and made my chicken wagon.
As you can see. It is a work in progress. I used some guttering material to cover the edges of the pen area to allow for climbing in and out. Wagon wheels in back on platform to stand on and larger wheels on sides to allow for mobility. Side doors for accessing the eggs inside the hutch and top lifts to reach the 3rd floor.
It turned out too heavy to move with the very skinny wheels not supported with a solid axle.
It worked very nicely for the baby chicks and the two ducklings.
Until they got to be a month old. Time to move up to a mansion.
I spoke to a few neighbors and some relatives and asked for wood scraps that they were not using. Chose a spot in the front yard that was not being used and could be reclaimed as well as the wood.

I am not an architect nor a carpenter so as you will see this was a lot of fun. I went with an idea of what I thought would work for the birds and the tree/bush which is a Quince tree/bush. I figured that I could wheel the hut over to it and make an opening and join the two together. That didn't work as nicely as I'd hoped. I
had to chop the front of the chicken wagon and attach it directly to the big pen to allow them to keep sleeping in the hutch and lay eggs in a location I could access easily.
I also wanted to raise rabbit so I thought a good place to have them was under the tree along side of the chickens and ducks. I used some shelves from a neighbor for the boxes on the right to house the rabbits.
I wanted to put in a mulch area too. I framed one in under the shade tree and directly under the rabbit area on the right wall/side. I can use the area for a temporary green house area while the garden still needs to be tilled up...
 Main objectives: Chickens, Ducks, mulch area, green house, Rabbits, Hammocks in shade for relax area, remove old deck under Walnut tree reclaim ground, transplant Strawberries into raised planter boxes, and provide us with Rabbit meat, eggs and a garden area while sharing our chicks and duckies with our grand daughter. Their is a lot of joy and love in raising ducks and chicks for a two year old.
 I have to replace a few odd cut old 3x4's on the far right and 2x4's that are temporarily in place for support. I have ran out of 2x4's so I nee to make some more phone calls.... This is what I have so far. I used the left over wagon inside the pen.
i lined it with a very thick garbage bag for now and some rocks for the ducks to climb in and swim in. They love it!

The pen is considered as our "grand daughter's play pen". She loves it! See mee Ducks, Gram! See mee Ducks! She goes inside the pen and says Hi to each one of the ducks and chickens.
ALL of the hutches, pens, mulch bin, posts all the work has been done with RECLAIMED WOOD! My only investment was in nails, paint, and some misc.  hardware pieces, chickens, ducks, rabbits and feed.
All under $100.00.....   Not bad for a country girl living in town. It has been over twenty years since I have had farm animals. I still want a goat.... Ring Neck Pheasants, and a few other things done and put in... Put two more post holes in behind the hammocks on the outside for my actual green house area. I think I'd like to pen in the area out in front of the duck pen for Pheasants (smaller cages in under the bushes). I need more supplies to finish that area. One thing and one day at a time... Wish me luck & success!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reclaimed Wood Projects.

I have constructed a Chicken Wagon out of scraps from around the property. I used an old shelf, side boards off Pops old garbage hauler/wood truck, wheels from his old wheel chair, the kids old red wagon and various pieces of wood. I put some thought into it and kept adding as I went along. Had a basic idea of what I wanted the rest was translating the thought into reality.I used old guttering to cover rails so I could climb in and out with out snagging myself while constructing and thinking.
This is a  Multi~Family, 3 story, Private play yard, two sky lights Duckinham Palace & Hen Hut!
Top back piece/lid lifts up, both side top sections open for bottom egg access and cleaning. Ramp can pull up to close from pull chain and twist over wing nut to secure closed. I have used zipties to secure some nice flat plastic on the outside for added fence security while they are still chicks & ducklings..
Now I have had 2 more adult female mallard ducks given to me so I need to build an attaching yard, play area for the ducks to all go in... I painted some strawberries, flowers and eggs with legs on the back and the two sides. Painted eggs-n-legs on the fence top and front with some graffiti! 
Cost less than $30.00 to make, paint was $12.00. A few pieces of hardware and nails and screws.. My eldest son, Benjamin McKenzie, had some plexiglass so we covered the diamond sky lights with that. Tooo cute.. Can't wait to get eggs from my, "Grany's Hen Hut"!
Now I just need and want to work on hutches for meat rabbits and then of course a larger play pen area for the two more ducks, and a small shelter for a spring goat to eat my grass and get yummy fat...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Deer fence around Garden

I published this video a few years back.
It still works much better than any thing else I have tried.
The deer still get the nonessentials in the yard but not my garden!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Mushrooms

I have not been doing much since the weather finally became descent.
Traveled to Eastern Oregon, Sisters, and participated in Boletus Hunting.
What a thrill for me. This was not my husbands first visit. He has been there before, without me.
So this year's visit was very special for me. We only stayed a few days but we had a great time.
A few of our friends learned how to find and harvest Spring Boletes. 
It was not a financially rewarding trip, we went over to late in the Spring.
I think I enjoyed the fact that our camp did "NOT" have Mosquitos. Wow!
I so enjoyed camping it and not spending my entire weekend tending to my allergies!
I did take photos. I will come on later and load Sammy's Bolete picture and a few others.
Transitioning into Chanterelles & Lobster at the Coast soon.
I can't wait for the Fall Boletes. I am packing the Camper this week.
Just a little, "cabin fever".
This was taken in late Spring on an outing.. I just love the large grouping of Lady Slippers.
The mountain man is my husband, David. The Mushroom buyer in Douglas County, Oregon.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oregon Without A Seal of State * 1899 Oregon Native Son Magazine

This is the best article regarding the State of Oregon's State Seals, that I can find.
The first was in "History of Oregon", Charles Henry Carey, 1922.
The purpose of researching this seal is due to my husband found (many years ago) and old Douglas County, Oregon, Deputy Sheriff's Badge dated: 1859 that has A DIFFERENT STATE SEAL & CREST. There are 33 stars that encircle the design that start at the Eagle's wing tips and the Eagle's chest ~ plate is centered directly above the center of the Crests design. It is clearly not Design # 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. However, it appears to have some of the bits from each years design. 33 stars encircled (#5, 1859), and the Man of War centered above the Wagon with the incoming ship on the left hand side. More closely related to Deady's design #7 which was a variation of #5.
Considering that Judge Deady had land holdings in Douglas County, Oregon and that there is to this day, a road named after him that is on the Old Highway 99 just North of Winchester, which, was the ORIGINAL COUNTY SEAT before the great flood in 1872 (2 actual floods 1868 & 72), the location of Deady's County Seat. I personally believe it was a design of Deady's that was created for the local Deputy's Sheriff's Office that did not get accepted. It is made of Silver and it is an enigma!

Oregon Without A Seal of State * 1899 Oregon Native Son Magazine